The Ayurvedha fairs which included, seminars, roadshows and free health camp for women and children, are to be held from January 14 to 28 and the launch was held yesterday at Thiruvananthapuram by the state Health Minister V S Sivakumar, according to a press release from the organising committee of the festival.
Considered as one of the largest biennial conference of ayurvedha fraternity, this year's festival is taking place between January 31 and February 4 at Swapna Nagari in the city.
As many as 5,000 delegates from about 50 countries like the U S, Russia, Japan, Middle Asian countries, China, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Serbia, SriLanka, Argentina and Brazil will take part in the deliberations, the release said.
The participants from various sections like practioners, students, manufacturers, hospitals and service organisations will present papers in 100 different topics in the festival.
GAF is being organised by the Centre for Innovation in Science and Social Action in association with the State Government, Department of Ayurvedha, Yoga and Naturopathy, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) besides several other governemnt agencies and NGOs, the release added.