Haryana Health Minister Anil Vij on Monday said over 90,000 people of the state were benefitted by the Centre's Ayushman Bharat Scheme in the past 18 months.
The state government paid bills of hospitals in just three to five days and less than one per cent of these were pending, he said.
Vij said in statement that about 15.50 lakh beneficiary families had enrolled for the scheme and Ayushman cards of the beneficiaries had been linked to the Aadhaar.
Vij said Ayushman cards of all eligible people will be made by March 31, 2020.
A special campaign is being run in the state in which the help of accredited social health activists (ASHAs) was being taken, he said.
The health minister also said the Quality Council of India had quality certificates to 73 hospitals in the country, of which 45 belonged to Haryana.