Azad, who has been suspended by BJP after his allegations of corruption against Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, has been trying to expose the alleged irregularities of the DDCA for many years. He held a press conference on Sunday to again highlight the scam.
The former India cricketer, without taking Jaitley's name, tried to show the financial fraud during his Presidential term in the state cricket body from 1999 to 2013. Batra said that Azad has been speaking lies all this while.
"He showed a 2013 bill of RK Jwellers, I was the treasurer then and that bill is not of DDCA. It must have been his personal bill. If he can prove that RK Jwellers is a bill of DDCA, I am telling you I will resign from Hockey also. Then in the press report he showed L Shine 3.3 crore, now that total payment is of 33 lakhs only. He has spoken a pack of lies. I don't want to speak much on cricket, but I can speak a lot about about him," he said.