BJP members including former chief minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank and Ajay Bhatt alleged that the state was not getting grants from the Centre on a 90:10 ratio as it should have under the special category status accorded to it.
Planning Minister Dinesh Agrawal, however, said Uttarakhand was still enjoying special category status and that the Centre was providing all grants and incentives to it.
Nishank said that during previous BJP regime, the matter was pursued with the Centre but it yielded no result.
BJP members also alleged that the Concessional Industrial Package (CIP) given by the NDA government to Uttarakhand was withdrawn by the Centre due to its "step-motherly" attitude and the present Congress government is not making any efforts for its revival.
Later, the BJP members staged a walkout.
Press Trust of India / Srinagar June 06, 2012 17:25 IST |