The film revolves around three friends Jatin, Harry and Rohan, who are on a road trip before Jatin's marriage. Things take a different turn when Jatin meets the woman with whom he had a one-night stand.
"The film deals with a very serious subject like HIV AIDS. The issue is very dark but I am dealing with it in a fun way with the help of song, dance and drama. I have not made it into a dark subject. I have dealt with it in a respectful but fun manner," Panda told PTI.
"I did not talk about the issue during promotions because I wanted people to discover it on their own. My take on the topic is that a disease like this should not stop you from living your life to the fullest. You have to deal with it but don't consider it a death sentence," Panda says.
The Delhi-based director says he wanted 'Babloo Happy Hai' to be his first film but he instead made his debut with the much acclaimed and multiple-award-winner 'I Am Kalam'.
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Panda says despite the bold outlook of the movie, it is not an adult comedy kind of a film.
"I have a fun but important sequence about condoms but people are thinking that it is an adult comedy kind of film. It is not. It is a youthful film but I am not selling sex and vulgarity. My films are very special and I give a lot of time to them," Panda says.