Earlier, the UPSC, which is consulted in corruption cases against officers of All India Services (IAS, IPS and IFS), Group A categories and other such personnel recruited by them, was directly giving its advice to disciplinary authorities.
As per the new rules, on receiving the inquiry report, the Disciplinary Authority (DA) may examine it and forward it to the UPSC with its observations.
On receiving the Commission's report, the DA will examine it and forward it to the charged officer along with the inquiry report and his tentative reasons for disagreement with the inquiry report and/or the advice of the UPSC.
The Disciplinary Authority would consider the representation of the charged officer and take further action, they said.
"A copy of the advice of UPSC, in all cases where the Commission is consulted, may be provided to the charged officer," the Ministry of Personnel said in a directive issued to all central government departments yesterday.
All cases, where final orders have not been issued, may be processed as per these (new) guidelines, it said.