This year the fashion show saw Bollywood parents-children duo including Abhishek-Jaya, Amitabh-Shweta, Shatrughan Sinha-Sonakshi, Anil Kapoor-Sonam, and Farhan with Javed Akhtar walking the runway.
"...The cause is bigger than the ramp. Mijwan is a small town in UP, and Shabana Azmi's father came from there. Every year now Shabana conducts this ramp fashion show to collect money for the ver skilled villagers of Mijwan, who do exquisite work on clothes," Big B wrote on his blog.
For actor-politician Shatrughan it was his debut on the ramp.
"Daddy dearest makes his debut on the ramp. He said there was a time when he taught me how to walk...," Sonakshi tweeted along with a picture of them.
Azmi thanked everyone for lending their support to the noble cause.
"Thank you for your support to Mijwan. Amitabhji Jayaji Shweta Abhishek Shatrughanji Sonakshi Javed Sb Farhan Anil Sonam Shankar Sidharth Richa," she tweeted.