The company, Fourth Force, was formally launched today by Mumbai Police Commissioner Ahmed Javed. Salim Ali, a former CBI officer, is the Chairman of the company. A presentation about the new entity was given on the occasion.
Addressing a press conference, Javed praised the people who are behind this initiative. "This, in a way, is a great support to the police department. In fact, this was very much required which perhaps was on back burner in past years."
"I recall that almost for every job, at least in the government, the job aspirant needed a background check. As you can make out from the presentation, the proportion of background verification sector is very wide and has its impact on economy given the number of employment opportunities that will be created," Javed said.
Speaking on the occasion, Ali said "a bad hire is a loss to the the economy and also to the nation. It is not good for the organisation to be populated with a wrong set of people."