With Delhi Capitals placed comfortably at the second spot in the ongoing IPL, head coach Ricky Ponting Friday said keeping faith in talented players like Rishabh Pant has helped the team in finding the form at this crucial juncture of the competition.
"There have been questions asked about where we should have dropped certain players in some matches, but I believe when you have talented players in your squad, you just keep backing them. We have players who can turn it around quite quickly as it takes just one innings or match to get going in a tournament like this," the 44-year-old Australian legend said.
"... players like Rishabh might have had certain thoughts about World Cup selection, but to be honest, that 78 not out in the first match against Mumbai got us the win. I'm glad he found form again against RR, and what you want from players like him in such a tournament is that they win you three or four matches each throughout the season, and he has won two games for us so far, and if he remains in form, he can get a couple of more wins."