"And that is the reason that rampant lawlessness and anarchy does not concern him as he seems to be blissfully unaware of whatever is happening around and still believes that Punjab is peaceful and prosperous," he said.
"That is the reason he is not able to remember the recent killing of a policeman in broad day-light, attack on a religious preacher by over two dozen people, killing of the Namdhari Mata, shooting dead of a security guard of a bank in Moga," Capt Amarinder said.
Referring to the Chief Minister's claim that Punjabis were prosperous and there were no drug addicts in the state, the PCC president said, "Again this is the symptom of senility and dementia as Badal does rightly remember that Punjab was prosperous, but forgets that it is not any more".
He said almost every day there were reports of farmers committing suicide, gangsters killing each other and at times even policemen and youth dying of drug overdose and addiction, which has only gone up.