The experts at Warton in the UK unveiled four technologies that could potentially shape the future of aircraft engineering.
The 'drawing board' technologies include 3D printers that could print smaller unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) during a mission; aircraft parts that can heal themselves in minutes; a long-range aircraft which divides into smaller aircraft when it reaches its destination, and a directed energy weapon that could engage missiles at the speed of light and destroy them.
Based on their thinking, the four futuristic concept aircraft technologies have been brought to life in short animations.
Nick Colosimo, a Futurist and Engineering Manager within the R&D team said: "Of course we don't know exactly what sorts of aircraft technologies will be used in 2040 with any certainty, but it is great to be able to show the public some concepts that might be possible through projecting where today's technology could get to.
"BAE Systems has a rich heritage in research and development, and our team builds on literally decades of previous R&D work by thousands of scientists and engineers."