Sportzlive primarily focuses on investing and creating Sports IPR in the Indian Sub-Continent and its key promoters, Gaurav Bahal and Atul Pande, bring with themselves more than 25 years of collective sports and media experience.
With IBL 2 just three months away, this deal gives a mandate to Sportzlive to approach corporates, brands and business owners for various available sponsorships and franchisee slots in the League.
Indian Badminton League will feature six franchisee teams across India who will beef up their teams with the very best Indian and International Badminton players. The player auctions have been scheduled for the 20th of November, 2015.
"Badminton is second most monetised product in India in terms of product sales and there is no reason why it can't be big on TV. Under Dr Dasgupta's able leadership, Indian badminton players are now amongst the best in the world, and that should also translate to better viewing and higher revenues for the federation.