"What I am told at this time is that their vehicle was attacked by an unknown sniper, but despite such very difficult circumstances, our team returned to Damascus and replaced their car and proceeded to a suburb of Damascus to carry on their investigation," Ban said after speaking over phone with UN Under Secretary-General for Disarmament Angela Kane, who is now in Damascus to oversee the investigation.
"They visited two hospitals, they interviewed witnesses, survivors and doctors, they also collected some samples. They are now returning to Damascus," Ban said.
Earlier, a UN spokesperson said unidentified snipers shot at the Chemical Weapons Investigation Team looking into allegations of the attack in Damascus last week that killed killed more than 300 civilians, including many children.
"As the car was no longer serviceable, the Team returned safely back to the Government check-point. The Team will return to the area after replacing the vehicle," the spokesperson said.
"It has to be stressed again that all sides need to extend their cooperation so that the Team can safely carry out their important work.