West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will inaugurate the famous Kolkata Rathayatra organised by ISKCON for the second consecutive year on July 6, the religious group said on Saturday.
Over lakhs of devotees are expected to pull the chariots of deities Lord Jagannath, Balaram and Subhadra on the occasion when the yatra will move through important thoroughfares of the city starting from Hungerford Street opposite the ISKCON temple at Albert Road.
ISKCON is celebrating its Golden Jubilee this year.
Banerjee will reach the temple at around 10AM and after a 'darshan' flag off the annual journey of the three deities, ISKCON spokesman said.
The Rath will move through Minto Park, Sarat Bose Road, Hazra Road, Hazra crossing, SP Mukherjee Road, ATM Road, Exide Crossing, JL Nehru Road, Outram Road to Brigade Parade Ground, where daily special darshan of Lord Jagananth from July 7 to 14 has been arranged. Prasad will also be distributed, he said.
Cultural programmes, special contests for empowerment, youth festival and performances by Russian dancers, Dona Ganguly dance troop will be held during the festival.
IIT Kharagpur students will hold classes on reducing stress and mental fatigue, he said.
The 'ultarathayatra' will start on July 14 noon, when the rathas will return to Albert Road temple.
On the return journey, the chariots will go through JL Nehru Road, Esplande, SN Banerjee Road, CIT Road, Suhrawardy Avenue, Shakespeare Sarani and Hungerford street, he added.
Over lakhs of devotees are expected to pull the chariots of deities Lord Jagannath, Balaram and Subhadra on the occasion when the yatra will move through important thoroughfares of the city starting from Hungerford Street opposite the ISKCON temple at Albert Road.
ISKCON is celebrating its Golden Jubilee this year.
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The Rath will move through Minto Park, Sarat Bose Road, Hazra Road, Hazra crossing, SP Mukherjee Road, ATM Road, Exide Crossing, JL Nehru Road, Outram Road to Brigade Parade Ground, where daily special darshan of Lord Jagananth from July 7 to 14 has been arranged. Prasad will also be distributed, he said.
Cultural programmes, special contests for empowerment, youth festival and performances by Russian dancers, Dona Ganguly dance troop will be held during the festival.
IIT Kharagpur students will hold classes on reducing stress and mental fatigue, he said.
The 'ultarathayatra' will start on July 14 noon, when the rathas will return to Albert Road temple.
On the return journey, the chariots will go through JL Nehru Road, Esplande, SN Banerjee Road, CIT Road, Suhrawardy Avenue, Shakespeare Sarani and Hungerford street, he added.