The film was delayed as Hrithik underwent a brain surgery following an injury that he had sustained while doing a stunt in the Siddharth Anand-directed movie. His injury was followed by the end of his 13-year-old marriage. He also had to walk out of Karan Johar's 'Shuddhi'.
"'Bang Bang' was a dream of mine. It is a different matter that it took so much time to complete because of my personal challenges -- both emotional and physical. But I got through. I kept myself very very strong. This is why I call 'Bang Bang' my biggest victory. Just completing the film has been a victory," Hrithik told PTI in an interview over phone from Mumbai.
"I think the solution to every problem lies in moving forward. If you sit and think 'why this is happening to me' then you are wasting the life within you. Spreading more smiles frees you up and fills you up in best possible ways," he added.
Produced by Fox Star Studios and also starring Katrina Kaif, 'Bang Bang' releases on October 2.
Hrithik, who calls his upcoming movie the best looking film of his career, feels he is attracted to action-thrillers.
"I think I am attracted to action movies. I am a very extreme person. I love action. They come to me naturally but I am not opposed to doing films where there is no action.