Two Bengaluru based construction companies together made an offering of Rs two crore Friday to the famous hill shrine of Lord Venkateswara at nearby Tirumala.
The companies, Iconica Constructions and Cyber Homes, requested that half the amount be given to a trust run by the management for providing medical facilities at the temple run super speciality hospital here, a temple official told PTI.
This amount would be used by the S V Pranadana Trust to treat those suffering from life threatening diseases, while the balance amount of Rs one crore would be used by it to provide pilgrims meals free of cost, he said.
The representatives of the firms, after offering prayers at the temple, handed over the Demand Draft for the amount to K S Srinivasa Raju, Joint Executive Officer, Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams,which manages the hill temple, the official said.
Earlier this week, Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) had donated Rs 1.1 crore to the Pranadana Trust.