Former BJP President Bangaru Laxman, convicted for accepting Rs one lakh bribe in a fictitious arms deal case, today sought leniency on the ground of poor health, while the CBI sought maximum punishment of five years for him.
72-year-old Bangaru, who was yesterday held guilty in the case, was brought from Tihar Jail before Special CBI Judge Kanwal Jeet Arora.
The court after hearing arguments on quantum of sentence in the case had reserved its judgement for 2.30 PM today.
Bangaru was convicted for accepting bribe from two Tehelka journalists posing as fake arms dealers. This was done to get the former BJP president to recommend to the Defence Ministry to award them a contract to supply thermal binoculars to the Army.
He is convicted under Section 9 of the Prevention of Corruption Act which relates to "taking gratification, for exercise of personal influence with public servant" and entails a maximum punishment of five years imprisonment and a minimum of six months.
On being asked by the judge as to why Bangaru should be given minimum punishment of six months, the politician said he was not keeping well and has undergone bypass surgery twice.
"I have health problems as I have undergone bypass surgery twice and am suffering from diabetes. I have never been involved in any such case before. So, I should be given the minimum sentence," Bangaru pleaded.
Seeking maximum punishment for Bangaru, CBI prosecutor Padmini Singh said corruption is spreading like anything in the society so it has to be dealt accordingly.
Citing various Supreme Court judgements on corruption, the prosecutor said corruption is rampant and it has to be dealt severely.
"CBI has been able to prove the case against Bangaru so we want maximum punishment for him under Section 9 of the Prevention of Corruption Act," the prosecutor said.
Opposing CBI's plea for maximum punishment, senior advocate Sunil Kumar, appearing for Bangaru, said in 40 years of his political career, he was "never ever involved in any such case" and no civil or criminal case has been lodged against him.
"He was holding an important portfolio in the ministry. Once the tape was aired in news channels, Bangaru stepped down as a minister," the counsel said while seeking minimum sentence.