Fake currency with the face-value of Rs 4.06 lakh were seized form their possession. Acting on a tip-off, the sleuths of crime branch raided an eatery near the railway station here and apprehended the trio, a release issued by Thane police Public Relations Officer Gajanan Kabdule said.
They had come to the stall to hand over the fake currency. Currency with the face-value of Rs 42,000 was seized from them on the spot, it said.
One of the accused Abdulla Shaikdhar had passport of Bangladesh. He had moved into the city with the name of Motu Shopan Mandal.
Fake currency with the face value of Rs 3,64,000 was also seized from their room, the release added.
A case under relevant sections of IPC and Indian Passport Act has been registered, police said, adding, investigations are underway.