Accused Macherloju Brahma Chary, working as a gold appraiser at AP Mahesh Co-operative Urban Bank in A S Rao Nagar, and his wife Macherloju Lalitha and son Macherloju Veda Virat were arrested in connection with the last week's theft case from a location here when Chary was planning to dispose the stolen property, Cyberabad Police Commissioner C V Anand told reporters here.
Since Brahma Chary's earnings were not sufficient, he decided to commit a large scale theft of the valuable and hatched a plan with his family members and selected the bank where he was working, the Cyberabad Police chief said.
"He minutely studied the loopholes of the security system of the Mahesh Bank and took the advantage of slackness of bank staff during the lunch hours. He got prepared duplicate keys with the help of original keys of the bank shutter, grills and strongroom," Anand said.
As per his plan, at 11 pm on November 28, Brahma Chary entered the Mahesh Bank by opening the shutter and other doors of the bank with false keys and disconnected power supply of the surveillance CCTV cameras. He then opened the strongroom door and cut the grill door with the cutting machine. Later, he broke open the door of the almirah and committed theft of about 15 kg gold worth Rs 4.5 crores, the senior police official explained.
Cyberabad Police, in the meanwhile, instructed all the banks to increase security levels and educate the customers and tighten the security system to avoid such incidents and to take precautions with regard to fake gold being pledged in the banks.