To provide credit facilities to small business, the central government aims to facilitate credit up to Rs 1 lakh crore under MUDRA (Micro Units Development and Refinance Agency) scheme in the current year.
"Bank of Maharashtra and MUDRA Bank signed a general refinance agreement to finance new entrepreneurs and small business," Bank of Maharashtra said in a statement.
Under the new scheme, there are three categories of loans -- 'Shishu' (loan of up to Rs 50,000), 'Kishor' (loan above Rs 50,000 up to Rs 5 lakh) and 'Tarun' (above Rs 5 lakh and up to Rs 10 lakh) -- that will be sanctioned and disbursed by banks, it said.
S Muhnot, Chairman and Managing Director of Bank of Maharashtra, said the bank has already started financing new entrepreneurs/small business and sensitised its field functionaries on extending finance under the scheme.