The agency had registered complaint against Pushpendra Raina, the branch manager, on November 27 for demanding Rs 25,000 from Vijay Shankar Tomar, Superintendent of Police (CBI) Manish Surti.
Tomar had applied for a loan of Rs five lakh to open a grocery shop under the Pradhan Mantri's Rozgar Yojana.
Raina sought a bribe, which was negotiated down to Rs 20,000. Tomar then approached the CBI.
When Tomar went to hand over the money today, Raina asked him to give it to Vijay Gupta, a shop-owner in the area.
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Tomar, however, went back to Raina and asked him to accept a direct payment, but the latter told him to deposit it in the account and directed the bank cashier to accept the deposit, Surti said.
The CBI sleuths then swung into action and seized the money from the cashier and the slip on which the shop owner had written the account number.
Raina, Vijay Gupta and another person named Ramesh Kumar Dwivedi, a bank facilitator, were arrested. They would be produced before the CBI court in Jabalpur tomorrow.