Shares of State bank of India jumped 2.80 per cent to settle for the day at Rs 249.55 on BSE. While, Bank of Baroda edged higher by 5.38 per cent to end the day at Rs 179.25.
Punjab National Bank closed the day at Rs 144.30, up 3.29 per cent and Canara Bank went up by 3.22 to close at Rs 270.80.
Among others, Syndicate Bank surged by 5.23 per cent to close at Rs 94.60, while Union Bank went up 4.96 per cent to close at Rs 168.20.
Taking a cue from the development, private lenders like Axis Bank, ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank also ended the day on a positive note.
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Axis Bank closed the day at Rs 470.90, up 1.23 per cent, while HDFC Bank went up by 1.34 per cent to close at Rs 1078.80. ICICI Bank closed the day at Rs 269.60, up 1.97 per cent.
Concerned over mounting bad loans, the government today said that it is planning to set up a high-level panel to effectively deal with the issue.
"The government is taking number of steps to address issues like NPAs, which is a big concern. The move has helped the sector to gain today," Geojit BNP Paribas Head-Research Alex Mathews said.
Analysts also attributed the rise in the sector to the overall market, which was up being the first day of December F&O expiry.
"Being the first day of December F&O expiry the markets rose on the back of buying in almost all counters. Also the possibility of passing of major bills in the winter session supported the markets," Mathews said.