All India Bank Officers' Confederation General Secretary Harvinder Singh said AIBOC has called the protest on the same day (August 9) on which Gandhiji had launched Quit India movement in 1942 to oust the British from India, because it too wants to save the Indian economy from the clutches of capitalists and foreigners, while protecting PSBs.
More than 10,000 officers including from communication, power and other public sector entities will take part in the march, he said.
The public sector banks are plagued with the rising non-performing assets (NPAs) problem and the government is not paying attention to correct that, he added.
Overall, the banking sector has stressed loans worth Rs 13 lakh crore of which the PSBs account for the major portion of Rs 10-11 lakh crore, Singh said.
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"The federation has been demanding that government help recover the money, as the money belongs to the common man. The government is not paying attention to that. We are not even allowed to disclose the names of willful defaulters in the guise of secrecy. Rather, the PSBs are being maligned that they are not performing," he added.
"The DRTs have become den of corruption. Cases remain pending for 10-15 years at the DRTs. We also want the government to allow the wilful defaulter cases to be tried as criminal offenses rather than civil," Singh said.
PSBs have transformed banking in the country during the last 50 years and have withstood various economic onslaughts and resisted the crisis without damage.
AIBOC is protesting against consolidation of PBU banks, increasing foreign capital leading to privatisation, grant of new bank licences among others.