To honour and support the cause of 'bauls', whose stringed 'ektara' is unique worldwide strumming up 'earthy' tunes embodying the soul of Bengal, we are bringing 80 'bauls' under the Rs 1,50,000 medical insurance scheme every year, Amitabha Samanta of Bolpur-based Sobuj Potro initiative, the name inspired by Tagore's confidant Promothonath Bisi's Sobujpotro, said.
To preserve the instrument, immortalised by Bengal's own 'Sufi cult' singers, a 'baul utsav' will take place in Birbhum, the place known for its Baul singers and 'akharas' on the bank of river Kopai by the end of this month, Samanta said on behalf of India Greens Reality, the initiator of Sabujpatro movement.