After surging 14.72 per cent to Rs 2,745 -- its 52-week high in intra-day session -- shares of Bayer Crop finally ended 10.35 per cent up at Rs 2,640.35 on the BSE.
On the NSE, the stock zoomed 9.85 per cent to close at Rs 2,626.
Following the surge in the stock, the company's market value jumped Rs 1,668.05 crore to Rs 10,429.05 crore.
Bayer CropScience yesterday posted a 52.02 per cent increase in its net profit at Rs 176.10 crore for the second quarter on account of increase in income from operations.
Total income from operations rose to Rs 1,241 crore in the July-September quarter from Rs 1,050.40 crore in the comparable quarter a year ago, the company had said in a BSE filing.