The report of the committee, headed by former Punjab and Haryana Chief Justice Mukul Mudgal, however, said allegations of fixing against Meiyappan require further investigation and also left it to Supreme Court the issue of conflict of interest against Srinivasan, who heads the India Cements that owns CSK.
"The role of Gurunath Meiyappan in Chennai Super Kings (CSK) as the team official stands proved and the allegations of betting and passing of information against Meiyappan stand proved," said the report of the committee presented to the Supreme Court today.
The over 100-page report went into various issues like suspected involvement of six India-capped players in fixing, betting allegations against Rajasthan Royals owners and the need to bring discipline in players.
The IPL auction scheduled for February 12 and 13 will go ahead as scheduled without prejudice to the Supreme Court decision in betting and match-fixing case.
The committee's report comes ahead two days ahead of the auction in Bangalore for the high-profile IPL tournament this year and raises questions on the status of the CSK as Meiyappan was the Team Principal of CSK, though Srinivasan claimed he was only a cricket enthusiast.