While BCCI secretary Sanjay Patel told PTI that "date for the Working Committee meeting has not been decided yet but will be convened shortly", sources said that the members have been summoned to Chennai to discuss the future course of action for the Board.
"We have been called for an informal gathering in Chennai where the current situation will be discussed. There are chances that the members would be sounded out about adjournment of the scheduled AGM till the Supreme Court appointed Mukul Mudgal committee tables its final report," a top official said.
The date of AGM is usually decided at the last Working Committee meeting of the session, where the annual accounts is placed before the all-powerful committee.
"The finance committee meeting has not been convened. It is the finance committee that prepares the annual accounts in which the president, secretary and the treasurer are the authorized signatories.
If cleared by the Mudgal Committee, Srinivasan is likely to be elected as the president from the East Zone with Jharkhand (Amitabh Chaudhary) and Odisha (Ranjib Biswal) being earmarked as the proposer and seconder. Even Tripura Cricket Association (Arindam Ganguly) is a Srinivasan loyalist.
The Cricket Association of Bengal (Jagmohan Dalmiya) and the National Cricket Club (also controlled by Dalmiya) however has never openly made their stance known but they are unlikely to swim against the tide.