Speaking at an election rally in south Delhi's RK Puram constituency, Swaraj said that Kiran Bedi has the image of a strong administrator, which is what Delhi now needs.
"Our heads hang in shame when we read news of atrocities against women. Other countries issue advisories against visiting Delhi. Bedi, who herself has been in police for so long, will leave no stone unturned in ensuring the safety of women.
Invoking her old ties with RK Puram, Swaraj said she has represented that area as an MP in the past. Even during the 2013 Assembly elections, when there was an 'AAP wave', RK Puram had gone with BJP.
"But there was some mistake on part of Delhiites and we fell short of four seats in forming the government. That is why during the Lok Sabha polls we set a target of 272+ and worked towards the goal... People laughed and made fun of us, asked us how we will get so many seats, I only said 'let's wait till the counting day' and BJP won 282 seats," she said.
Taking a dig at AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal, Swaraj said she wonders how the people of Delhi elected such a Chief Minister, who had called a 'Janta Darbar' and later left from the back gate.