Bedi paid tribute to Rai before leading a roadshow at Krishna Nagar, the constituency from where she is contesting the February 7 Delhi polls. She also cleaned Rai's statue and put the scarf (patka) having the party symbol around it. However, she removed it from the statue a few minutes later.
"I request Kiran Bedi to at least spare the freedom fighters. These leaders have fought to win independence for 120 crore Indians. A freedom fighter does not belong to any party, he belongs to the country. There should be no politics over them," Kejriwal said.
"Bedi is trying to saffronise freedom fighters. She should apologise to the nation. Lala Lajpat Rai was against the ideologies of RSS. The BJP should stop playing this kind of politics," he said.
Defending her act, Bedi, on her part, asked Kejriwal whether he has never been to a temple and whether he has ever garlanded an idol with a "chunni" and taken it back.
"When you go to temple and garland an idol, does the priest not give it back to you? Is it not my duty to take this blessing from out martyrs who have given us freedom," she asked.