The actor, 49, is currently married to third wife, Alice Kim, 29, and they have a seven-year-old son Kal-El. He also has a son, Weston, 22, from a previous relationship, reported Sun Online.
"I wish I had not been so angry at 18. I was a pretty wild guy with a lot of energy. I was into punk rock and didn't know where I was fitting in. I wanted that energy to go somewhere. I wanted it to be constructive rather than destructive - but I just did not have a clue in which direction to take it," Cage said.
"Richard Gere said, 'If you keep on behaving as you are, you will only have about three film roles left in you'," Cage added.
Cage, the nephew of director Francis Ford Coppola, has since changed his ways and now understands the importance of good manners.