On the mud-slinging on between BJP and Sena amid the high-voltage campaign for the upcoming civic elections in Maharashtra, he said, "I admit that this is not an ideal situation."
"Being in government together and levelling allegations against each other is not an ideal situation," Naidu told reporters here ahead of the civic polls scheduled on February 21.
"These are local elections and sometimes alliance is possible in one part and at the same time, it is not possible in other part, so it is good to have control while speaking against each other," he said.
"Earlier, Shiv Sena was a bigger party, however, since the position is slipping out of Sena's hand, they are speaking against us out of that disappointment," he said.
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On Shiv Sena's claims that the state government is on "notice period," the Union Information and Broadcasting Minister there is no scope for ifs and buts in politics.
"We have not received any notice and if we receive it, we will study it and will decide what should be done," the senior BJP leader said.
On a BJP functionary writing to the State Election
Commission demanding a ban on publication of Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana' on the days of civic and local body polls, Naidu said, "Imposing ban on newspaper is not BJP's principle. Imposing Emergency was Congress work, so be assured that there would not be any ban on the newspaper."
"Let them write whatever they want to write. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's popularity is increasing and it is not only increasing in India, but across the globe. He is receiving praise from all over the world, so let them write whatever they want to write," he said.
"The statement he made was based on factual situation, so it is wrong to defame the Army by bringing his statement into controversy and (it is) not in the interest of the nation," he said.
Whatever General Rawat said was the need of the hour, he added.
Gen Rawat had recently said that people creating hurdles during anti-terror operations and displaying flags of Pakistan and ISIS in Jammu and Kashmir will be dealt as anti-nationals and will face "harsh" actions.