Navratna PSU Bharat Electronics Limited said Union Minister of State for Defence, Shripad Naik inaugurated its new manufacturing facility for composite materials, environmental testing and finishing, established at its Navi Mumbai unit, on Tuesday.
The new facility is expected to turnaround the fortunes of BEL's Navi Mumbai unit, which has traditionally been in the business of manufacturing shelters and masts and overhauling of hydraulic systems of T-72 tanks, BEL said.
"It would boost the units manufacturing and testing capabilities in composites, a new area which has been identified by BEL for diversification", the Bengaluru-headquartered company said in a statement.
The unit will use the facility to carry out in-house designing and manufacturing of components using GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) and CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) composites for various Naval applications, submarines, aircraft and shelters, it was stated.
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