"Having known a supermodel like Nayanika Chatterjee we have chiseled the character of the female lead on such a personality. How a supermodel conducts herself and walks in shows and in real life," the costume designer and styliser Sandy, having worked in several blockbusters including Dewana, told PTI here.
"Apart from acting part, the physical attributes of Subhosree, who is the screen daughter of a cop turning a supermodel, was accounted for. We drew references from Nayanika who boasts of a very Bengali yet international look, height and etched out everything for Rusha's character extensively. The kind of glasses a supermodel sports, the high-end branded footwear she uses, everything was taken care to add touch of reality," he said.
To my knowledge Boss, despite being an action flick, also gives lots of leeway to the female lead whose character is so believably portrayed and has lots of screen space. Unlike other bubbly characters, students, professionals or otherwise, Boss is the first attitude film to deal with a supermodel's life in the most authentic manner," Subhosree said.
"I talked to my styler about how my character should walk wearing stiletto and then high heels," she recalled about choosing the accessories used by a supermodel.
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"There had not been previously any screen supermodel zipping around Asia's largest slum in any Bengali film from whichever genre," the director said.
"Professaionally a supermodel I am the Lady Boss who lords over the Mumbai Boss in the film at home. Every man has a soft corner for women, every single man has a woman in his life. So Jeetda on location and elsewhere or the celluloid Boss always gives in to me," she quipped.