"Batayan will have write-ups from Prosenjit to director and children's magazine editor Sandip Ray, from thespian Soumitra Chatterjee to Badshah Moitra, from poet-lyricist Srijato to new age actor Soham. It will encapsulate the happenings in the industry as well as literary contributions," Artiste's Forum General Secretary, popular singer Arindam Ganguly told PTI.
"We would love to have unpublished scripts of landmark Bengali films and be a comprehensive literary journal which will certainly have slant on Tollywood going ons as we will be privy to the inside information and latest trends about the industry more than any other publications," Arindam said.
Actor Pallabi Chatterjee, daughter of veteran Bollywood personality Biswajit, said, "We would wish to take it to the masses and not target niche readership only."
"Babuda (Sandip Ray) being the illustrious inheritor of Satyajit Ray-Sukumar Ray legacy we will seek to have his advice in running the show as well as others to make it a professionally run quality venture," Pallavi said.
Priced at Rs 50 the magazine will be available at select outlets as of now.