: The Bengaluru InternationalAirport Limited, which managing the operations of Kempegowda International Airport, said on Saturday that it has launched called Namma Chethana, an initiative, to provide 3,500 meals along with a host of other corporates located on the airport premises."As a responsible corporate citizen, BIAL, working together with other corporates located on the BLR Airport campus HMS Host, Satis Dining, Taj Bangalore and TFS has launched a joint initiative to provide 3,500 meals each day for affected people amid the lockdown following the COVID-19 outbreak," the BIAL said in a statement.With the support of district administration, the food is distributed to those in need, the BIAL said adding that approximately 3,500 daily meals, include 2,000 packages for lunch and 1,500 for dinner.These are packed at on the airport premises and delivered to stranded migrant workers, daily wage earners, villagers, policemen, and those working in the unorganised sector across Chikkaballapura district, the BIAL said.The press release quoted the managing director and chief executive officer of BIAL Hari Marar as saying, BIAL is with the nation in this hour of crisis and, working with our partners and the government, we have started Namma Chethana in the spirit of reaching out to those in need at this hour.