"Around Rs 70 lakh was spent on repairing the well. The work is now complete" said Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Organisation (PHEO), Deba Sundar Mohapatra.
The water supply to the town had decreased to 17 MLD from 24 MLD.
Against the requirement of 52 MLD of water, the town is currently being provided 50 MLD from different sources, including Dakhinapur reservoir and Rushikulya system.
It reels under acute shortage of water during summer when supply from Rushikulya, which also caters to Chhatrapur, Gopalpur, Odisha Sands Complex of Indian Rare Earths Limited and Gopalpur Port, dries up.
"These will be taken up under the World Bank funded Odisha Disaster Recovery Project," the PHEO executive enginner added.