"Bestseller lists decide nothing; in fact, they're so indecisive, they change every week. More seriously, bestseller lists measure popularity, not worth. A good literary award doesn't tell you what other people are already reading, these prizes tap the reader on the shoulder and tell them about books they might want to read, but might not know about," Nilanjana told PTI in an interview.
"The most interesting questions for the jury are not "has this book sold a lot": chana, chips and Belgian dark chocolate sell a lot but they ponder more over questions like, is this book something I would want all my friends to read' and 'would readers ten years from now love this novel'," she says.
"The wildings" set in the dark alleys of Nizamuddin explores the city through the eyes of cats. A small band of cats including Miao, the clan elder, a wise, grave Siamese; Katar, a cat loved by his followers and feared by his enemies; Hulo, the great warrior tom; Beraal, the beautiful queen, swift and deadly when challenged; Southpaw, the kitten whose curiosity can always be counted on to get him into trouble live in Old Delhi.
"The Wildings does have a Unusual Story and Plot, guaranteed to appeal to cats, cheels, tigers, Babblers and the odd brown mouse," the author says.