Set during the 2011 cricket world cup, the film was shown at the recently concluded Mumbai International Film Festival. It documents the lives of three ordinary Indians -- cricket superfan Sudhir, cricket prodigy Prithvi and girl cricketer Akshaya-- and their relationship with the game.
Jain said he grew up with the game in Mumbai and after shifting to the US, it was his only link to his birth country and when he trained as a filmmaker, he decided to make his first documentary on cricket.
"We wanted to find people who were somebody and we found Sudhir, who was a superfan of the game. He would paint his body and cycle around the country to cheer for team India."
The film has voice-over by 'Big Bang Theory' star Kunal Nayyar, who also spent money from his pocket to help Jain complete the documentary. Jain's friends and Kunal's 'Big Bang Theory' fans also pitched in with funds.
The documentary has travelled to Indian Film Festival of Los Angeles where it won the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary and the Audience Award.