India's boxing chief Ajay Singh has been elected as president of the Foundation Board for Better Boxing of the world governing body of the sport, AIBA.
Foundation for Better Boxing was constituted by the AIBA in the last meeting of their Executive Committee to address future development of the sport globally.
Boxing Federation of India chief Singh was elected to the post on Tuesday and he will have a tenure of four years.
"With the aim of the foundation being to improve and spread the sport globally, Singh's vision will help boxing move forward in the right direction," said a release.
AIBA President Gafur Rahimov, European Boxing Confederation (EUBC) head Franco Falcinelli, African Boxing Confederation chief Sidi Mohamed Moustahsane and AIBA Executive Director Tom Virgets are the other members of the Foundation.
Virgets has been elected as the Secretary.
"The appointment is a huge pride not only for me personally but an honour for Indian boxing and the boxers too as our hard work has been not only appreciated globally, our potential as an upcoming boxing powerhouse has been recognised as well," Singh said.
"I would like to thank AIBA and all members for considering me for this position and I will do everything possible in my capacity to render the responsibilities bestowed. Our job will be to work in the best interest of promoting boxing and protecting interests of boxers globally."