"Valued at Rs 96 crore, the order has been won against stiff competition in an ADB-funded international competitive bidding tender," the state-run engineering major said in a statement today.
According to the statement, the sub-stations to be augmented include 400/220 kV substation at Tumkur (Pavagada), 400kV at Mysore and 400/220 kV at Tumkur (Vasantnarsapur).
The augmentation of 400/220 kV sub-station facilities are linked with the transmission system being set up for evacuation of solar power and shall play a key role for transfer of renewable energy (RE) power from India's largest ultra mega solar power park (2000 MW) phase-II (part-A) to be set-up at Tumkur (Pavagada) district on 10,000 acres of land.
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) is also executing key 765 kV sub-station orders from Power Grid of mega capacities in Gujarat and Rajasthan for evacuation of RE (renewable energy) power from these states under the Green Energy Corridor Scheme.