Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal Tuesday paid rich tributes to Dr Bhupen Hazarika at a programme following conferring of the Bharat Ratna award on the 'Bard of Brahmaputra', terming him as a great humanist whose creations have an undertone of humanity.
Sonowal also urged the present generation to build society based on the principle of humanism propagated by the legendary singer-composer.
"Bhupen Hazarika was one of the greatest personalities born in the 20th century. He made Assam and Assamese people famous and proud worldwide," he said.
Based on his principles, Assam should be made a great land of unity so that the people of Barak and Brahmaputra valleys, the hills and plains, can live together.
He thanked the central government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for honouring and acknowledging the immense contributions of Bhupen Hazarika.
In the Shraddhanjai programme, various singers such as Samar Hazarika, Mousumi Saharia, Manisha Hazarika, Santa Ujir, Pranamika Goswam, Rupam Bhuyan lent their voices to pay tributes to Dr Hazarika.