Boxing India's acting President Meren Paul, who today conducted an executive council meeting, insisted that AIBA would have to officially inform BI about the formation of ad-hoc committee and can't arbitrarily impose its decision.
"We have not received any communication from AIBA so far. It has not been addressed to us. As soon as we receive it, we will review it," Paul said.
"AIBA is the apex body and we cannot ignore that. If AIBA has given that mandate, we have to go by that. But in the meantime, there is a lot of conflict. Firstly, we should be informed about this by the AIBA. Just arbitrarily imposing would not work."
AIBA constituted a five-member ad-hoc committee yesterday for finding a group that would organise and administer the sport in India.
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Kishen Narsi, an AIBA representative, will chair the committee, which also comprises of ousted BI Secretary General Jay Kowli, former tennis player Manisha Malhotra and SAI DG Injeti Srinivas as its members.
The acting president insisted that the federation would write to AIBA, proposing a date to hold elections for the posts of President and Secretary General.
"Either BI or AIBA cannot remain without President for more than six months, so that is a constitutional requirement. We will be writing to AIBA and giving a date for the conduct of the elections," Paul said.