The 73-year-old actor, who worked with Sharma in the 2004 film "Ab Tumhare Hawale Watan Saathiyo", took to Twitter to bless Utkarsh for his debut film "Genius".
"Anil Sharma acclaimed director producer's son, Utkarsh trained in US... Making debut in Industry... My blessings and wishes...," he wrote.
Sharma also retweeted Bachchan's post by captioning it- "Power of Amitabh Bachchan is unbelievable... Today he tweeted for #Utkarsh. And so many people called me... Reg his tweet and #GENIUS #utkarsh.
Utkarsh, who starred in "Gadar" as a child, in the role of Deol's son, will play IIT topper in "Genius".