Filmmaker Subhash Ghai is bringing on screen the story of Sarabjit, who spent 22-years in a Pakistan jail on espionage charges. The death row convict, who was a native of Punjab, died in a prison in Lahore this year after an attack by fellow inmates.
Ghai said he is looking for a new actor to portray the part as Bachchan is already committed to play the role of a lawyer in another movie.
"I need to clarify that Amitabh Bachchan has not signed the film. After reading the script, he suggested that he is playing a lawyer's role in some other project for which he is committed. So, we have mutually agreed not to cast him in this film," Ghai told PTI.
The film, produced by Ghai, will see newcomer Anurag Sinha playing the role of Sarabjit. Sonakshi Sinha is apparently essaying the role of Sarabjit's sister - Dalbir Kaur. The film will be directed by Ishwar Singh.