Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan says he will always cherish the experience of hosting the 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' segement at the government's second anniversary gala.
The 73-year-old National Award-winning actor spoke about the campaign at a function "Ek Nayi Subah", held at India Gate, New Delhi, on May 28.
Sharing his thoughts on the segment, Bachchan wrote on his blog, "The Saturday of the 'beti bachao beti padhao' campaign at India Gate... An experience to cherish and be proud of."
Earlier, Bachchan had faced criticism when his name started doing the rounds as the host of the government's planned cultural function but the actor had clarified he was only hosting a small segment for 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao', as he is attached to the campaign.
The 73-year-old National Award-winning actor spoke about the campaign at a function "Ek Nayi Subah", held at India Gate, New Delhi, on May 28.
Sharing his thoughts on the segment, Bachchan wrote on his blog, "The Saturday of the 'beti bachao beti padhao' campaign at India Gate... An experience to cherish and be proud of."
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At the event, the "Piku" star had stressed on the importance of protecting and nurturing the girl child.
Earlier, Bachchan had faced criticism when his name started doing the rounds as the host of the government's planned cultural function but the actor had clarified he was only hosting a small segment for 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao', as he is attached to the campaign.