The CBS comedy series, which also features Jim Parsons, Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco and Simon Helberg, recently wrapped its ninth season, reported Ace Showbiz.
Nayyar says the main cast's contracts will end next year and he has no idea "what's going to happen" next.
"Look, next season, as it stands on our contract, could be the last season of 'Big Bang Theory'," said the actor at the MCM London Comic Con.
"If it were up to me personally,I would love to do the show as long as you guys would have us on the air."
Last December, showrunner Steve Molaro said a similar thing when asked about the show's future.
"The reality is that maybe season 10 is the ending point. The real answer is I don't know. I can't speak to the future or on behalf of the cast or where we'll be then but it's certainly possible that it could go past that.