"Green cover in Bihar was only seven per cent, which former Chief Minister Nitish Kumar increased to 13 per cent. Now we have set a target to increase this to 20 per cent," Manjhi said speaking at a state forest department function.
The Chief Minister highlighted the adverse impacts of deforestation on climate and human living.
"Earlier people used to live for 100 years which has come down to 65 now. If things continue like this, after 150 years the life span will be as short as 30-35 years in the country," he said, adding, "In the past Indians used to be seven-eight feet tall, which has come down to five-six feet today. If this continued, after 200 years we will be transformed into Lilliputs."
Bihar forest minister P K Shahi said more centres of tissue culture would be opened in the state so that farmers get better quality of plants.
A training centre for forestry would be opened in Munger and the subject would be included in school curriculum.
Director of Dehradun-based Indian Forest Research Centre P P Bhoj said Bihar was the only state in the country where a function to promote greenery mission was held.