Replying to a short notice question of Awdesh Kumar Rai (CPI), Education minister P K Shahi admitted more than 3000 posts of Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors were vacant in different universities for over five years.
Intervening in the issue, Parliamentary Affairs minister Bijendra Prasad Yadav said concerned over the situation, the state government has decided to make an amendment in the Bihar University Act to entrust Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) with the responsibility of recruitment of professors.
Pointing fingers over "faulty" recruitment of VCs and pro-VCs by the outgoing Governor Devenand Konwar, the Education minister without naming the governor said since there was no transparency in the recruitment by the Chancellor the process of recruitment of professors further got effected.
Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi and two other senior ministers have demanded probe against Konwar in the light of complaint raised by Congress MLC Jyoti during his address to joint session of Legislature on February 18 last.
Siddiqui asked the government, how the educational work was being carried for over 5 years without required strength of teachers and does this not indicated that education system has crumbled in the state, in reply Yadav said the situation had deteriorated during previous RJD rule.