Additional Commissioner of Commcercial Tax Arun Kumar Verma said in a statement here that there would be a meagre 47 paisa per litre increase in retail price of diesel after the hike.
The diesel will sell at Rs 55.78 per litre after the hike against Rs 55.31 a litre earlier, he added.
Likewise there will be a hike of 76 paisa per litre in retail price of petrol after the order.
Petrol will be now available at Rs 63.79 a litre, Verma said.
The cabinet had given green signal to a proposal of the Commercial Tax department to increase VAT on diesel from 18 per cent to 19 per cent and on petrol from 24.5 per cent to 26 per cent.
The Commercial Tax Additional Commissioner said that despite increase, the retail price of petrol in Bihar would still be lower than it is in neighouring states of Jharkhand, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh.