Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi on Wednesday said the state government will soon give pre-Diwali and Chhath puja bonanza to its employees by providing them five per cent additional dearness allowance along with the salary for the month of October.
A direction has been issued to disburse the salary from October 25 onwards, ahead of the Diwali and Chhath festivals, Modi, who also holds Finance portfolio, said in a release.
Salary in the normal course is given on the first day of every month, but this year keeping in mind the two big festivities it will be made available beforehand, he said.
In line with the Centre's decision to increase the da by five per cent from 12 to 17 per cent with effect from July 1, 2019, the state government has in principle decided to give enhanced five per cent of da to its employees, pensioners and family pensioners from the same date, the Dy cm said.
The state government has issued directive to the finance department in this regard.
The enhanced da is expected to cost Rs 1048 crore additiuonal burden on the state exchequer, he added.